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Going back to Cali
Weekend Roundup
i almost forgot a subject line
Welcome FFAFer!
Free for all Friday
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Weekend Roundup

Well I was going to go into detail about my poker outing, but Patrick already went into way more detail that I was going to. He did leave out the details of me losing my ass, so I'll go into that. So, Saturday was my first night of playing no limit hold 'em at a casino. I've played $1/$2 at the hard rock. Its much easier than no limit cause you basically just play good hands. Of course, its max $8 to see the flop too, so thats good cause I'm cheap. Anyways. My $100 got down to about $40 and Patrick says, "you better go all in soon". Immediately after he says this I get QQ. So, I go all in. Queen comes on the flop and I get excited. But, I get beat by a straight that a guy stays in and draws to. After the rebuy I go all in on a straight draw and hit it. But of course, the guy in it with me gets his flush on the last card. I have $1 left after that hand and go all in with 10 7. I hit a straight after the river with 689. Of course though, 4 clubs come out and I lose to another flush. So after sitting watching Cameron and Patrick play poker for 2 1/2 hours, we finally end up getting on our 4 am boat home. I arrive home at 6 am and sleep until about 8:30 am.
Weekend Roundup - Tuesday, May 31, 2005 - |

i almost forgot a subject line

I have to say, I am totally in love with the Google theme layout of your site.  I SOOO want one at mine - incogblogo dot net! :)This is a cool way to do FFAF - by email I mean! :) I don't use MT - I use EE and a lot of people use WP who do FFAF. WP is free - you just have to pay for hosting and such. Wow. I'm rambly. I know. I can't help it. It's the way I am today. I know I am forgetting something too, I am sure I will remember. Tomorrow likely :)


"Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy." - Cynthia Nelms
i almost forgot a subject line - Friday, May 27, 2005 - |

Welcome FFAFer!

I'm wondering how many people are actually going to participate since it's a holiday weekend (in the US). I'm taking a half-day today to go visit a friend of mine and give her a hug. Aren't I nice?

Link to share! I ran over this's too cute:  Check out the "Winningest".

Welcome FFAFer! - - |

Free for all Friday

So Lewis over at OHB came up with this FFAF idea, where anyone can post to your blog. Unfortunately, its easy to set up if you have your own blog host where you can set up a user account but if you're on blogger, not so much. I did come up with a workaround though. Blogger has a blog by email feature and this will be the way to FFAF here. SO NOW...

To post to implobbable send an email to I think the way it works is the subject is the title and the body is the text.

Also, if you don't sign your post I will delete it. No anonymous postings. That is the only rule. Have fun. I will probably leave this up for the entire weekend.

Have fun!
Free for all Friday - - |

I love math!
I love math! - Thursday, May 26, 2005 - |

I know its not Wednesday

But here's a Wednesday Mind Hump anyways thanks go to

01. If you had to choose, which would you prefer ... an extra arm, extra leg or an extra eye? Tell us why, where it would be located and if it would have a specific or special purpose.

I think an extra centered arm would be wonderful. You wouldn't have to modify any clothes, just open a center button on your shirt. Just think of all the times when an extra hand would be helpful. I know in the past few weeks it would help with, changing diapers, soldering, car audio stuff.

02. Wonder Woman's Golden Lasso forces people to tell the truth. Which one of your possessions would you like to have magical properties? Name the magical property and give a little detail of how it would work.

I would like my yo-yo to stop time. Every time I sleep the yoyo, time stops for everyone but me. Just think of the funny stuff you could do to people.

03. Would you rather your significant other were stupid & beautiful or intelligent & ugly? What about stupid, beautiful & poor or intelligent, ugly & rich?

It would have to be itelligent & ugly. I can't stand talking to stupid girls. Luckily I got a beautiful & intelligent one :) Too bad she got stuck with dumb ugly me. oh well.
I know its not Wednesday - - |

3rd post of the day

yea yea yea, I know. Anyways. I'm flying out to LA next week and I need recommendations for laptop movies for the airport/plane. I've got primer and sin city ready to go. Anything else? Please help.
3rd post of the day - Wednesday, May 25, 2005 - |


laura informed me that my haloscan comment counts aren't working. I don't know why. I urge you to click on all the comments links if you want to read comments. If there isn't anything there and the comments says 0, why don't you leave one anyway.

They are now working again. For all those with haloscan when this happens:
"Occasionally the count stalls, usually due to high load on the servers, you can try to force the count to update - (scroll to bottom of page and click "Force update of comment link")"
haloscan - - |

you really like me?

So, the top search results that found my page were this:

diet coke slurpee
flickr note feature
coke slurpee
do a damn google search!
how do i program my car remote lock
patty post

Also, I am looking for more good blogs to read, so post up if you want me to read yours. I'll more than likely blogroll it too, if thats any incentive. I guess the title should read "Get a link to your site on a blog that gets up to 5 hits a day!"

Also, something has been re-awoken.
you really like me? - - |

I have just lost the game
I have just lost the game - Tuesday, May 24, 2005 - |

Sick. Yet again.

WTF is wrong with me. Leah has tonsilitus and apparently, so do I. I'm now on a hourly routine of salt water gargles. It seems to help for approximately five minutes.

In other news, Patrick and I are investigating starting a podcast. It will probably be terrible, but I'm sure we'll go all out on it. Causing Patrick to buy multiple high end audio recording devices I'm sure.

It was brought to my attention this weekend that I haven't had a Geek Level listing lately. Which is a shame because of such a good idea it was. Unfortunately, for those who are not familiar with the Geek Level, the post describing it was on my old server, which is now gone. So I guess you're just left to figure it out yourself.

Geek Level - 7 - Investigating hacks for the treo 650 even before I purchase one.
Sick. Yet again. - - |

my first free association

I suggest you check out to see what this free association stuff is all about. Without further adieu:

  1. Grandma::Weeks
  2. Pet::Peeve
  3. Desolate::space
  4. Backspace::"press the any key"
  5. Common ground::standing
  6. Storm::trooper
  7. Dark::side
  8. Water bottle::Zephyrhills
  9. Training::Certification
  10. Dot coms::Crash
my first free association - Friday, May 20, 2005 - |


Is it just me or does the Playstation 3 logo look very similar to the Spiderman logo? Does Sony Pictures own the Spiderman movies?
PS3 - Wednesday, May 18, 2005 - |

and i was doing so well...

What a lackluster set of updates I've had lately. (note: I ran this search before finishing the first sentence) There's no excuse for it, I know.

First things first, if any of you have non-ipod based mp3 players I invite you to check out Yahoo Music Unlimited. You can download all you want for $5 a month. You can't burn the music, but if you have a non-ipod you don't need to burn them. I'm not getting paid for this or anything, I'm just jealous since I have a non-non-ipod and I still have to pay $0.99 a song if I want my music legally. Ok, done with this infomercial blog post.
and i was doing so well... - - |

I'm a geek too.

So I was reading on Patrick's Blog and figured if he could admit to his geek-ness, I could too. First off, does anyone know if its possible to do a trackback on blogger? I was trying to trackback to his entry, but no.

Anyways. I got a postcard from directv saying that new software will be downloaded to my tivo the next time I dial up and connect with it. Unfortunately, I have Vonage at the house so dialing up with a modem does not work too well (read: at all). But, you can set up the tivo to communicate out via serial port. But, I didn't have a serial cable that went with the tivo (it uses a headphone jack on one side and serial port on the other). I did have some old headphones and a serial mouse. Some solder and a few hours later I had a working cable. All I needed to do was set up internet sharing on my laptop and hook it up. Needless to say, a few more hours later it actually worked. After all that it didn't even receive the update. Bah!

Let see: 1 part tivo + 1 part solder + 1 part PPP/internet sharing = total geek
I'm a geek too. - Friday, May 13, 2005 - |

Damn that Japanese Food

So I was sitting in the waiting room at the local Super Lube today. In walks a portley fellow who immediately looks in my direction. When he sees me, he grabs his belly, shakes it, and says "Damn that Japanese food!". I was at a complete loss for words. I think I may have forced a chuckle to appease the tension.

One question, why? Why does he feel he has to explain his largeness? I've noticed a similar trend with people thinking they have to explain things that don't need to be. For example, a growing amount of people have the need to tell me why they were in the bathroom. "Man, I drank too much tea at lunch" or my personal favorite, "Man, I really ate too much, I'm gonna be in here for a while".

Back to the first guy though, I don't understand how you can blame your obesity on one type of food. Blame it on a bad array of foods but not just one type. Especially Japanese food. I mean, how can you get fat off of Sushi? If you're gonna blame one type of food make it something believable like, "Damn those Cheesequake Blizzards at DQ!"
Damn that Japanese Food - Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - |

Mother's Day #1, Results

Well instead of something like jewelery or flowers (which is the typical mother's day gift I'm sure) I went with a different gift. Saturday morning I made bannana pancakes, which I'm told were yummy (I made myself plain pancakes). Then in the afternoon we went to cypress gardens and walked Cameron around looking at all the stuff. He actually stayed awake the whole time watching all the people. Then we went back to the house for a little nap. Then we got Outback take out and Leah got the giant piece of chocolate cake all to herself. That was pretty much it, but we had a great time and I think Leah enjoyed it better than just some cheesy flowers.
Mother's Day #1, Results - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - |

Ack! No Posts!

Man, I had so much to post about and every time I sat down ready to post it all went away. I guess I need to use the voice memo feature on my phone. Oh well. Everyone have a nice mother's day. I still need to get my new mother wife something.
Ack! No Posts! - Friday, May 06, 2005 - |

Own some of Britney's Pee

Gross. Indeed.
Own some of Britney's Pee - Wednesday, May 04, 2005 - |


Today when I was eating my 15 pound burger, I decided I really need to go on a diet. And maybe get a haircut. A quite possibly a quick shave. But, other than that, I'm doing great.

I tell you what, I'm really enjoying this not going to school thing. Its a shame that in 2 weeks it'll be over and I'll be back at it full steam. Of course, since I'm taking two classes this summer, in the eyes of the government, that's full time. That means I get $8,000 in student loan money. Say bye bye to credit card debt and hello to tax deductable interest payments!
Wow. - - |

Ok, I give up

Well, I'm officially the worst smoothie maker ever. I've tried numerous different blenders, to no avail. I always end up with giant chunks of ice or frozen fruit. Tonight, I ate through a plastic spoon trying to make one. I guess I'll just drive down to the smoothie place and drop $5 every time I want one.
Ok, I give up - Sunday, May 01, 2005 - |

Did you mean to search for: total crap  


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