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So many choices

Wow. Thats all I can say about the selection at
I just want so many shirts there. Does someone want to buy me one?
I know you do.

I have to apologize for my behavior and my harsh words about "Maverick". I never meant it. It was all out of jealously. I hope him and Katie have a long fulfilling relationship together. Bastard.
So many choices - Friday, April 29, 2005 - |

Tom Cruise, Actress Katie Holmes Dating - Yahoo! News

Tom Cruise, Actress Katie Holmes Dating - Yahoo! News

I hate him so much now. Err....
Tom Cruise, Actress Katie Holmes Dating - Yahoo! News - Thursday, April 28, 2005 - |

Hum along with me

As I sit here eating my fruit & yogurt parfait from McD's I ponder. I wonder if anyone has ever gotten one of these things where the fruit wasn't frozen solid. If they would throw it in a blender before serving it to me it would be a nice tasty smoothie. But no. Now I gotta either wait 2 hours or use my teeth to chisel away at the strawberries that have reached absolute zero.

On another note, Cameron is sitting nice and pretty lately. It only took one head smack on the ground to keep us constantly on our toes when he is sitting up.

Tonight is my last class for this semester. I start back up May 16 for summer classes. What fun.

-Peace out.
Hum along with me - - |


I was looking up online how to program my car remote if I were to buy a spare one off of ebay. These are the ridiculously insane steps:

  1. Begin with: Drivers door open and key out of ignition
  2. Insert and remove key from ignition 2 times within 5 seconds
  3. Close and open driver's door TWICE within 40 seconds
  4. Insert key into ignition and remove it
  5. Close and open driver's door TWICE within 40 seconds
  6. Insert the key into the ignition
  7. Close the door
  8. Turn the ignition switch from "Lock" to "On" and back to "Lock"
  9. Press both Lock and Unlock buttons simultaneously between 1 and 1.5 seconds and release
  10. Within 3 seconds, press the transmitter Lock button for more than 1 second and release
  11. If successful, the power locks will cycle "lock" to "unlock" once.
  12. Open driver's door to exit programming mode.

Wow. I had to do this on another car and there was a button that said "program" that you pushed then press the remote. That was way too simple though.

programming - Monday, April 25, 2005 - |

see-thru not always a good thing

I have been noticing a trend lately. The trend is this: many guys have starting going with the undershirt route, this is not a problem. However, when the undershirt has more than one color on it, or it has logos and writing on it, this is where the problem lies. I guess the question should be, "does this person know you can see his big johnson tshirt underneath his work attire, or does he even care?". One that I'm sure will never be solved in this lifetime.

If anyone cares to write one of my 3 papers that were assigned this week, due next week, please let me know. Thanks. Have a nice weekend.
see-thru not always a good thing - Friday, April 22, 2005 - |


Ok, so I'm fuming over this. I can't see how anyone can do such a thing to another human being. I say we just have a giant line of people walk up and kick him in the nuts. I'd wait hours in a line for that purpose alone. I hope the other inmates don't take it easy on this guy. What a waste of existance.

Plants should not give this guy air
Sicko - Thursday, April 21, 2005 - |

Food is Gay

Apparently, thats what the USDA thinks with their new food pyramid. Interesting. Check it out.

Also, if you haven't been to 43things I suggest you go, its pretty neat.
My page at 43 things.
Food is Gay - Wednesday, April 20, 2005 - |

Good idea, now what?

I would really like to get a tattoo some day, but I really have no clue of what I would get. I’ve not really been too impressed with anything I’ve seen and there isn’t something I can think of that would be decent for me. Oh well, guess I’ll keep thinking.
Good idea, now what? - Monday, April 18, 2005 - |

Enough is enough

Can we stop with all the stupid magnetic ribbons on cars? I mean, seriously. Why have we gone so damn ape crazy over these things. They now have the entire rainbow of colors representing every possible group out there. Hell, I saw a camo ribbon yesterday for a hunter's association. Wow. Its nice to see everyone's jumped on the bandwagon by making these $5-6 magnets, but I think its run its course. On a final note, if you're wearing a rubber band on your arm and its not yellow and says "LiveStrong" on it, just take it off. Nevermind that, if you're wearing a rubber band on your arm, take it off.
Enough is enough - Thursday, April 14, 2005 - |

By Req: Memory Map How-To

Ok, so some people have asked me how I did the Memory Map from the previous post. I'm gonna do a quick write up to help you get started.

1. Go to and type in your starting address, city, or whatever
2. Once you get the image sized correctly, with everything positioned the way you want it, hit the PrintScreen button on your keyboard.
3. Open your favorite image editing software and paste the image into it, crop all internet explorer stuff from around the picture.
3a. If you don't have any image editing software, paste it into Microsoft Word and save the document as a webpage. This will create a .jpg file in the document's folder.
4. Go to and create an account.
5. Upload your image to flickr.
6. Use the "Add Note" feature in flickr to create highlighted areas with descriptions.
7. Share your Memory Map with the Memory Maps Pool and everyone else as well!

I hope this helps any of you who thought it was too difficult to do. It's really not, especially with the "Add Note" feature of flickr.
By Req: Memory Map How-To - Tuesday, April 12, 2005 - |

Wow, finally

Its about time I get to make a post. I guess I'm learning what all you Blogger people are complaining about now. SO...whats up with me? Just wrapping up another semester of classes. I just keep thinking of how one year from now I'll be wrapping up classes for good. And when I say, "for good" I mean, forever. There's no way I can go for my doctorate. At one point in my life I seriously considered becoming a college professor. I just can't take any more classes.

Well, I'm currently working on another memory map of USF Tampa now. Should be interesting. A lot more mischeif locations than the previous ones. UPDATE: Google maps is all messed up right over the USF campus, so unfortunately, that won't work.
Wow, finally - - |

Adam's Memory Map

Adam's Memory Map
Originally uploaded by MrMarbles.
Well I read on Life hacker about these memory maps people are making from google maps. It was an interesting concept and I decided to jump on the bandwagon. Hope you like it.
Adam's Memory Map - Thursday, April 07, 2005 - |

Thank heaven for 7-11

Whenever I have to stop for gas on my way home I always make sure to stop at a 7-11. "Why?", you may ask. I have one word for you, "Slurpee". I mean, Slurpee's are good no matter what mood you're in or the weather. Last night was no exception, running low on gas, had to stop and get one. While I was drinking it I realized how much progression the Slurpee has made. I can remember growing up there was only 3 flavors of Slurpee, Coca-Cola, Cherry, and a seasonal flavor. Now there are like 6-8 depending on where you go. Don't even get me started on how great the Diet Pepsi & Crystal Light Slurpees are. Also, I can remember only being able to drink 1/2 of a Slurpee back in the day because you would drink all the flavor and just be left with a cup of flavorless snow. Now, they have the flavor infusion process down and even the last sip is good.

This is in no way an advertisement for 7-11, but you should probably go get a Slurpee and report back.
Thank heaven for 7-11 - Tuesday, April 05, 2005 - |

Did you mean to search for: total crap  


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